
New Year’s Resolutions

resolutions, goals, Christian, new year's, new years, plan, new year's resolutions, Christian
In 2010, I created a set of goals.  It was an aggressive list of over 27 goals broken into 9 categories.  I’ve been working on those goals ever since.  They weren’t exactly new year’s resolutions because I knew that was too much to expect but I think the categories might be a helpful way of determining where you need to improve most.

  • Know/Love God – Seek to know God & ‘Who needs me Today?’ (Mark 12:29-31)
  • Family – Home is the Primary Mission Field (Acts 10:2)
  • Finances – Be a Good Steward of Finances (1 Timothy 6:7-10)
  • Health – Accomplish All of God’s Will in my Life (Philippians 3:12)
  • Career – God is in Control; Work as on to the Lord (Matthew 6:31-33)
  • Ministry – Hope for the Hopeless (Matthew 28:16-20)
  • Avoid Idols – Starve the old self! (Matthew 6:24)
  • Recreation – Observe a Sabbath Rest (Mark 6:31)

For each category above, I create a list of things I thought were critical and that I either aspired to do, or to continue to do.  So, for example, under knowing God my list looked like this:

Know, Love, God, new year's resolutions, resolutions, goals, ChristianI choose the goal ‘Knowing God’ to show here because it is probably the most generic and many of these goals probably could apply to you as well.  My goals under the other categories are very specific to my walk and may not apply.

I know, and science proves, that the highest achievers all have one thing in common… you guessed it, they set goals.  So, I’m reviewing my goals before I start the year so I can make sure I focus my attention.  I’m far from where I want to be and likely even farther from where God wants me to be.

So, why not share your new year’s resolutions here, or on our Facebook page:

I hope you have a very happy new year’s day and a blessed 2013!

Creative Commons License
New Year’s Resolutions by Westchester Men’s Ministry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Christmas in Staten Island

We had the pleasure of participating in a great event last night.  Led by Movement Church in Staten Island and sponsored by multiple organizations and individuals.  I met individuals from Tennessee, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and other locations that all came out to help those in need.   The Gospel was on their lips and in their hearts and honestly I wanted to recruit all of them to minister in Westchester.  They are exactly where they need to be and Pastor Steve and Pastor Al of Movement Church are an inspiration.

After being down in Staten Island multiple times and seeing what Movement Church is doing, I can whole-heartedly endorse their work and encourage donations.  Please consider giving either financial or by donating your time.  Thank you!

Movement Church:

I hope you enjoy these pictures and you can find more pictures on our Facebook page:

Big thank you to Patriza’s of Stamford, who donated all the food!

Creative Commons License
Christmas in Staten Island by Westchester Men’s Ministry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.



If my body is the ‘temple of the Holy Spirit’ then both Jesus and the Holy Spirit came to reside in very shabby places.  Jesus among the animals and the dung associated with the manger and then later among the wicked and evil thoughts of men.  The Holy Spirit in my heart among the lust, anxiety, fear, loathing, and sadness that must make Him long for home, like I could never understand.

I may one day understand the sacrifice and love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit but today, it seems to great to get my mind around.  I long to make my home (heart) more welcoming, more hospitable, more like heaven for the Holy Spirit.  It is only with His power that I can change.

Lord I ask that you give me a willingness to be transformed and radiate peace and joy.  In Your son Jesus’ very precious name, I pray.  Amen

baby, Jesus, manger, Christmas, Christ, wood, animalsChristmas star, star, light, Holy Spirit in Heart, Holy Spirit, heart, residence, welcome, in us

“The young is with child and will give birth to a son whom she will call Immanuel.  On curds and honey will He feed until He knows how to refuse the bad and choose the good.”  – Isaiah 7:14-15

images courtesy of:,,


Creative Commons License
Immanuel by Westchester Men’s Ministry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at


Journaling Challenge: Is it 40 days yet!

40 days in desert

A friend of mine asked me that yesterday.  I told him that we are more than half way there (today is day 22).   But we also talked about falling into the trap of journaling out of obligation.  We both shared that we have a sense of relief once we have something written down.  I told him that when I persevered and continued in quiet time and journaling, not out of obligation (I had met my obligation) but on my own – God rewarded me with insights I wouldn’t have received otherwise.  He quickly responded, ‘Don’t try to make me feel guilty now!’.   We both smiled.

If you are going through this journey with us – fantastic!   My hope is not that you will become a person that journals daily, necessarily, but that you will realize the value of spending time with God and listening for His word.  I pray that you gain a greater hunger for more of Him.

Why did we choose 40 days anyway!?

The period of 40 days is significant in the Bible and used multiple times.  This included the 40 days and nights that it rained on Noah and the ark, the time Moses spent on the mountain, the numbers of days Goliath came out against the Israelites before David killed him, and especially the time Jesus fasted in the wilderness.  This time is always a period of testing and trial, and it ends with a period of restoration, revival, or renewal.

May these 40 days, through December 21st, end with a period of restoration that makes the true meaning of Christmas that much more pronounced this year.

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” – James 4:8a

Creative Commons License
Journaling Challenge: Is it 40 days yet! by Westchester Men’s Ministry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at