
The Humblest Man Alive

We have seen commercials about the ‘most interesting man alive’ but I think the most interesting man alive would also be the humblest man alive.

So, who comes to mind for you?    Hopefully you don’t think of yourself!   Maybe your father comes to mind, or another relative, neighbor or friend.  You probably remember a time that stands out where they were very generous, thoughtful and humble.

But, we are talking about the humblest man alive!  I would argue that for this label the man would have to be of great significance, a man of great character and power, so that being humble would be out of place for a person of his stature.

Imagine a king, not any king mind you but a king that was not only capable but also deserving of his throne.  I think maybe of a king that fought and led many victories in battle to win the freedom of the kingdom.  His position was rightly earned and he was very suited to be king of a great kingdom.

Now imagine that king, due to the love he had for his people, longing to have his people know him, and his love.  So he steps down from his throne and puts on everyday clothes.  The clothes are old, slightly ripped and smell.  He then leaves the castle without any security or money, to live among his people.

He tells them that the king loves them but they respond quickly ‘we are our own king!’  They then say, ‘we won our freedom on our own.’  Astonished by this lie, the king attempts to show them the truth but is hastily shut up.  Finally the kind reveals his identity and says that he loves them very much.

The people only get mad and abuse him.  He doesn’t defend himself and is beaten until he dies a horrible death.

The people actually kill the man that led them to freedom, a man that was the most capable and gentle king they will ever know.  They will now have kings that will abuse them and never let them forget that they are slaves to their royal demands.

Jesus is our worthy, mighty, loving and humble king.  If we submit to Him, we will never have want for another!

“Christ Jesus, though He was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped.  Rather, he emptied Himself, taking the form of a slave .. He humbled Himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.’ – Philippians 2:6-7

This week, won’t you consider the love of your proper, holy and loving King?!

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